Earlier this month you were able to read on our site how Girasol was confiscated because of outstanding payments to veterinarian dr. Victor Baltus. The overdue payment balance almost reached 45.000 euros. Dr. Baltus explained that Painted Black and Girasol recieved a long term care, and that he had asked the family several times to pay the bills before he decided to take legal steps. Girasol was confiscated on the 30th of January 2017. Morgan Barbancon can now go back to competing and travelling with her Grand Prix horse Girasol (16-year old Gribaldi mare), because payments have been arraganged. Morgan is really happy this problem is solved because she was planning to compete in Doha an Belgium. "Morgan was not able to go, because of the confiscation, but since Morgan's fathers has settled his debts, Morgan can compete again" let spokesperson Wensing know.