At her website the Danish rider Anna Kasprzak announced not to start with her top favorite horse Donnperignon during the Danish national championchips. The Donnerhall son has some issues with his teeth and is therefore not fit to compete. The gelding has a broken molar and two bad tooth. He was directly operated and will now be on rest for a few weeks. That means that the now 18 year old gelding will have to miss the championchips in Denmark. According to Kasprzak it's more important to give him the rest he needs now, then to put him at risk for infections later on and miss her chance for the EU CH selections. Last year the pair won the silver medal at the championchips. They were also part of the Olympic team for Rio and started the gelding during Doha this year. This resulted in two third places for the pair. However she will not be sidelined and will start her Rock Star (by Rockwell) during the championchips in Broholm.