Parzival (by Broere Jazz) the horse of Adelinde Cornelissen will be saying goodbye to the audience during Indoor Brabant. Parzival is a 20-year old gelding who normally would have his last competition during the Olympic Games of Rio de Janeiro but that story finished differently. Now Adelinde lets us know that Parzival will perform for the audience one more time during the break of the Worldcup competition during Indoor Brabant. The goodbye will be on the 11the of march around 3.30 pm in the Brabanthal of 's-Hertogenbosch. The two won there in 2013 the Worldcup  and had beautiful memories of this game. They started there career in 2002 when Parzival came to the stables of Adelinde. In 2010 the combination got the gold team medal at the World championchips. In 2011 the two became European champion in the Grand Prix and the Freestyle in Rotterdam during that year they also won the World Cup final. During his goodbye at Indoor Brabant they will flashback on the beautiful career they had. "I wanted to give Parzival a goodbye in The Netherlands and we have beautiful memories at Indoor Brabant. We have had a lot of success together like winning the World Cup final", tells Adelinde.