Ulruke Prunthaller has been convicted to a nine month ban from competition and a 4.000 EURO fine by the Tiroler Equestrian Society. Prunhallers coach, Friederich Atschko, is also fined 5.000 euro for conscientiously supporting painful and illegal training methods. When grooms of Prunthaller made an anonymous testimony on Youtube in 2011 the world was shocked. On the video people could see Prunthaller training the horses with an electric shock device as well as intentionally hurting them with stones under the noseband. The owners of the horses immediaitely took legal action against the grooms and made an online statement of being black mailed.
Almost two years after the movie was put online on Youtube the disciplinary committee of the Tiroler Equestrian Society cast its legal verdict in this case. It charged both rider and trainer as quilty. The court explained its decision for a 9-month ban based on several facts. Prunthaller and Atschko have been given four weeks time to appeal this verdict.
Source: Equnews/Eurodressage