Last night Carl Hester convinced with an exciting worldcup victory in Londen. After the competition the top three was available for a reaction. Carl Hester GBR (1st): “My plan is to get to Omaha (for the FEI World Cup™ Dressage 2017 Final). I started at Lyon and will next head to Amsterdam and keep room in the diary for another one if needs be. I last competed in a World Cup Final in 2005 with Escapado.”   Hans Peter Minderhoud NED (2nd): “I expected a great class with a big atmosphere so I knew we would have to produce our best, and then I heard Carl’s score so decided to keep to the plan and just try to do everything the best we can and not over-ride him. I am super happy, but perhaps it’s time to make my Freestyle more difficult” Edward Gal NED (3rd): “my horse was a little unsettled at the beginning as being last to go he got left on his own in the warm up arena – which because he is a stallion distracted him. But otherwise he felt good and he made not many mistakes – it was a good start for our World Cup season. I love to come to London the atmosphere in the Hall is very special, and especially at Christmas time!”