It's the British who take the lead in the Nations Cup of France's Compiègne. Spencer Wilton and his De Niro son Super Nova II ensured a first place in the individuals with 75.32% in his Grand Prix, which was also the score to keep the British in the lead of the Nations Cup. Hayley Watson and her Rubins nite (by Rubin Royal) ended up with a score of 71.52%, while Gareth Hughes and his Don Carissimo (by Don Crusador) finished their ride with 70.400%. In total the British team leads with 217.240 points. Following in second place with 215.240 points is the Dutch team with in the lead Adelinde Cornelissen and her Aqiedo (by Undigo) with whom she ended up in fifth place in the indivuduals with a score of 72.90%. Patrick van der Meer and his Zippo (by Rousseau) ended with a total of 71.080% in 10th place, while Jeannette Haazen and her Abanos son Dabanos D'O4 finished in ninth place with 71.2605. The team of Sweden is now in third place with a neat score from Tinne Vilhelmson and Paridon Magi (by Don Primero) with 73.200%. Also Patrik Kittel showed great shape with his Deja and a score of 72.320%. In total they ended up with 213.280 points. It is then team Denmark who follows in fourth place with 212.400 points, while the team from Belgium ends up in fifth place for now with 210.260 points. Tomorrow after the Grand Prix Special and the Kür the final winner will be announced. . Find all results here Find all individual results here