This morning the GHPC announced the official retirement for the black pearl Glock's Undercover. The Ferro son and his rider Edward Gal did not compete anymore since april 2016 and silently Undercover dissapeared from the course. Following his retirement rider Edward Gal wrote the following emotional letter to his horse:   “You reached the age of 17 on May 28th but somehow it feels like only yesterday that we saw you for the first time. Piano black, son of Ferro. So proud, full of dynamism and strength, along with the ambition to really perform – characteristics I do so love in you. It was the year 2012 in which so many new things happened for us both. For the first time we had the GLOCK Emblem on jackets and saddle pads. Because you were my first GLOCK horse, entrusted to me at the start of the year. Still, so to say, wet behind those always alert ears, but well trained and with uncanny potential and so much talent for passage and piaffe. Also in 2012 were the Olympic Games in London, and we took the opportunity to qualify. In April we made our first start in an international event and it was already in July that we went to the Olympic Games in London. To this day I can still feel your excitement; you were tensioned like a bow, yet ready nevertheless to give your best. In London we gave our first performance of the freestyle composed specially for you and me by Joost Peeters: "Secretum relevatum". Even now I get goose bumps when I hear the first notes. We came eleventh in the Grand Prix, tenth in the Grand Prix Special, ninth in Freestyle and were able to celebrate a bronze medal with the Dutch team – what a success story after so little time together. Success we humans measure in terms of placings and medals. Success I could measure in terms of the trust you showed me. Boundless trust. I know every centimetre of your muscles and what your eyes are saying, and sometimes I think you can read my thoughts. I love your neighing when I enter the stables, the way you lift your head and then blow your warm breath at my neck. We had so many special moments with you. Victories at your second home, GHPC Austria, in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Odense, silver and twice bronze at the World Cup Finals in Las Vegas, Lyon and Gothenburg, team gold and silver at the European Championships in Aachen and Herning, victories at national competitions and championships. So many wonderful laps of honour, freestyles to music, training sessions together, exercise rides and easy circuits at trot. After Aachen in 2015 we took a break and it was not till April 2016 that we had another go at international level. But I sensed once again that you felt stressed and so what would be the point of those potential successes if the horse with which one has such a close bond is no longer relaxed and happy at tournaments? Shortly afterwards, in May 2016, we decided your life should continue without sport. For you it would be meadows with succulent grass and a life without horseshoes. For you a quiet farewell to that international stage, on which you had shown your brilliance, not departure via honours that are great for people but would have been pure stress for you. You love your new life, which you have been leading with us at the Glock Horse Performance Center Netherlands since May 2016. In the sunshine and breeze, on the freshly blossoming or lush meadow, among autumn foliage or on fresh snow with that thick winter coat. Together with your friends: Tony (the pony), Nadine and Next One. You are a personality, a friend and companion and we are the ones to say thank you. I particularly say thank you. Thanks Fritsie.” Edward & the entire GLOCK Team     (Photo Edward Gal with Zonik in Jumping Amsterdam 2018)