For Totilas and Matthias Rath the European Championships have probably finished. Owner, Paul Schockemöhle, has confirmed the decision and even hints it is most likely that the black stallion will never again start in the arena. "I noticed Totilas was not as he normally is in Thuesday's Grand Prix," states Schockemöhle. "I must admit the course wasn't perfect, but there were so many beautiful and perfect parts that the total of 75.971% is not rectified." The irregular shape of the stallion, asked for a closer veterinarian inspection. Today Totilas has arrived in a specialized hospital in Aachen to undergo several tests. Depending the results Schockemöhle and co-owner Ann-Kathrin Linsenhoff will decide what the future will bring for the ever lasting "wonder horse". If he will go on his European Championships or even more sever, his sportive career. It might be possible Totilas will never return to the sport and only serve as a breeding stallion. Althoug, nothing has been decided yet. Meanwhile German teamchef hasn't given up on the results of the horse. Monica Theodorescu was impressed by Totilas appearance and believed him to be the key towards the Gold Medal. Although many people opinionated Totilas was not completely fit in his hinter left leg, Katrina Wüst, president of the jury, was convinced he was "fit to compete". Further research will clarify the situation.