With the Olympics in RIO closing in more and more countries are finalizing their teams and today it were the French who announced their star line-up to defend the countries honor at the Games.
In showjumping there are no real surprises with  world number one Simon Delestre being joined by the always solid riding Roger-Yves Bost,  Kevin Staut and French leading lady Pénélope Leprévost. Reserve for the team will be Philippe Rozier.  The only big name missing on the team is Patrice Delaveau. The man who finished second at the World Equestian Games in Cean behind Jeroen Dubbeldam will have to sit out these Olympics and cheer his team on from the sidelines.
Showjumping :
  • Roger-Yves Bost - Sidney Une Prince
  • Simon Delestre - Hermès Ryan des Hayettes
  • Pénélope Leprévost - Flora de Mariposa
  • Kevin Staut - Rêveur de Hurtebise HDC
Reserve : Philippe Rozier - Rahotep de Toscane Dressage :
  • Stephanie Brieussel & Amorak
  • Ludovic Henry & After You
  • Karen Tebar & Don Luis
  • Pierre Volla & Badinda Altena
Reserve :  Alexandre Ayache & Axel Eventing :
  • Karim Florent Laghouag & Entebbe de Hus
  • Mathieu Lemoine & Bart L
  • Astier Nicolas & Piaf de B’Neville
  • Thibault Valette & Qing du Briot
Reserve: Nicolas Touzaint & Crocket 30