With Dorothee Schneider, Helen Langehanenberg, Isabell Werth and Jessica von Bredow-Werndl, team Germany achieved a total score of 238.944 which was more than enough for European gold. Silver went to Great Britain, represented by Gareth Hughes, Charlotte Fry, Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin. They achieved a score of 232.345. Denmark came third with Charlotte Heering, Nanna Skodborg Merrald, Daniel Bachmann Anderssen and Catherine Dufour. Their score of 231.165 earned them a bronze medal.


1. Dorothee Schneider - Faustus: 74,985

2. Helen Langehanenberg - Annabelle: (73,960)

3. Isabell Werth - Weihegold OLD: 79,860

4. Jessica von Bredow-Werndl: 84,099


1. Gareth Hughes -  Sintano van Hof Olympia: (74,394)

2. Charlotte Fry - Everdale: 77,671 

3. Carl Hester - En Vogue: 74,845

4. Charlotte Dujardin - Gio: 79,829


1. Charlotte Heering - Bufranco: (70,699)

2. Nanna Skodborg Merrald - Atterupgaards Orthilia: 75,078

3. Daniel Bachmann Andersen - Marshall-Bell: 76,366

4. Catherine Dufour - Bohemian: 79,721

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