The President Show Jumping Cup, a CSIO in Abu Dhabi, kicked-off today with a successful Abdelkebir Ouaddar. The Maroccon rider won the first two 1m45 competitions. In the speed class he was the fastest with his 11-years-old Selle Français sire Quickly de Kreisker (by Diamant de Semilly). Rene Tebbel and Zipper (by Sam R) followed in a second place, finishing over 3 seconds slower. Egyptian Mohamed Talaat jumped to a third spot with Tabea 20 (by Contendro). In the Table A Ouaddar won with Quebec Tame (by For Pleasure). Abdul Rahman Bader made it to the second spot with Varo M (by Pierrot). Varo was bought at the end of last year by Abdullah Al Sharbatly, no he is in ownership of Abdul Rahman Bader. Ahmed Saber Hamcho completed the stage with Quintus 81 (by Quick Star) In de openingsrubriek, die over twee fasen werd verreden, won Ouaddar met de 11-jarige Quebec Tame (v. For Pleasure). Abdul Rahman Bader werd 2e met zijn nieuwste aanwinst Varo M (v. Pierrot). Deze werd eind vorig jaar door Abdullah Al Sharbatly nog aangekocht, maar intussen al doorverkocht. Ahmed Saber Hamcho vervolledigde de top 3 met Quintus 81 (v. Quick Star). click here for results