At the Royal Morocco Tour the second week continues in Rabat. Yesterday the day concluded with the Nations Cup on the program. A total of ten countries appeared at the start, eight returned in the second round. It was Belgium that jumped to victory. Damien Plume (Issini Van Gerhoeven), Fabienne Daigneux-Lange (Venue d'Fees des Hazelles), Gaetan Decroix (Quel Homme de Hus) and Jérôme Guery (Garfield de Tiji des Templiers) were coached by Belgium's show jumping rider Patrik Spits. Starting from the first round, the Belgium team took the lead with a total of zero points. Only Damien Plume jumped a rail down. Their form continued in the second round as the team kept it clear again. Italy followed in a second place on stage. Lucia Marziani (Tokyo du Soleil), Francesco Turturiello (Quinoa des Pres), Luca Coata (Traffic Boy) and Juan Carlos Garcia (Moka de Mescam) collected a total of four penalties. The stage was completed by an ex aequo between Saudi-Arabia, Morocco and Switzerland. All finishing with a total of 8 points. CLICK HERE FOR THE RESULTS