Dirk Demeersman and his team did what they came for. Starting in 6th position in the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Belgium concluded it first round with a total of 9 points in third position. Only Jos Verlooy and Domino finished clear. In the second round however the team spirit was restored and also Pieter Devos (Dream of India Greenfield) and Niels Bruynseels (Pommeau du Heup) finished with zero points. Only Equiline-rider, Niels Bruynseels, had one time penalty for BElgium. Hosting country, Switzerland followed in a second place with a total of 12 points. After collecting 13 points, Ireland made it to the third place. For Belgium this competition did count for points. The top five was completed by Germany and current leader, France in fifth position.