When Dirk Demeersman was presented as new coach of the Belgian show jumping team in 2014, a contract of two years was signed (until the eind of May 2016). After the evaluation of the Olympic Games the decision was made in joint consideration that Dirk Demeersman his contract as bondscoach of the show jumping seniors won't be prolonged in 2017. Dirk still takes care of the continuity and has made a plan with the elite riders for the World Cup competitions and also observes the other selections. At the moment the Belgian federation started a procedure to guarantee the coaching of the show jumping riders. The top sport cell, together with the national show jumping commission, already had consultations to start the search for a new coach. They have the intention to introduce a new coach at the end of this year. Under the leadership of Dirk Demeersman the Belgian show jumping team had some nice results, one of the greatest ones is for sure the victory in the Furusiyya Nations Cup Final in Barcelona in 2015!