In Mijas's Costa del Sol Tour it's British rider Alex David Gill who took home the victory in the 1m35. Together with his West Falica (by Perion) he showed great shape and finished in 46.32 seconds. Staying ahead of Sammie-Jo Coffin who also for Britain jumped to a second place. She and her Willem de Lux (by Lupicor) stopped the chromo at 48.32 seconds. It was then Spanish rider Marta Bartolome and her Tyrol de Brekka (Zeus ex Gordius) who finsihed in third place in 53.96 seconds.   In the 1m40 it was Germany's Benjamin Wulschner and his Coeur de Canturo (by Canturo) who won this course in 34.4 seconds. In second place it was Bruce Goodin for New-Zealand with his Caltona (by Calvaro) in 34.49 seconds, followed by Belgian rider Victor Daem and his Ustinov (by Eligius) in 35.54 seconds. Find all results here