It's Irish rider Bertram Allen who took the days victory in the 1m45 ranking today at the Spanish showgrounds in Oliva. Here at the MET Tour he and his Calafrieda (by Canto 16) with whom he finished clear in just 30.15 seconds. Not only did he take on the first place today, in the saddle of the grey stallion Hector van d'Abdijhoeve (by Cabrio van de Heffinck) he also finished in fourth place with a clear round in 32.42 seconds. In second place it was UK's Jamie Wingrove and his Bart VI (by Lord Z) with whom he finished in 30.38 seconds. Following in third place we found Irish rider Clem Mcmahon and his Pacato (by Pacino) in 31.10 seconds, with in fifth place Spanish rider Sergio Alvarez Moya and his Mhs Attraction (by Numero Uno) who finished with a clear round in 32.43 seconds. Find all results here