During the last class today in Vilamoura we had to look twice at the results to see if we were really seeing what we were seeing. In the final for the 7-year old horses it was Germanies Marc Bettinger that did not only won, he claimed the whole top 3. With Celina IX Canstakko a mare from Carthage, he was the fastest. With a clear round of 42.55 seconds he managed to gain the victory. His second horse ST Fileva (by Alicante Hbc) he rode around in a time of 43.67 seconds. Whilst he clocked 47.74 seconds with his third horse Rosso Picez (v. Tobajo Picez). In this spicy experiment where only 6 riders that made it the jump off, making it a even bigger achievement. On fourth place we see Emma Stoker who rode a faster lap with Everton Villee, a stallion Arko III Luis Felipe de Azevedo Filho was fifth with Alize with the Terlong (v. Norton d'Eole) Go here to see all the results.