At 18.30 began the most important test of the competition on Sunday in Santander, Spain, the Grand Prix CaixaBank again with the stands completely full. Nobody wanted to miss the great international riding appointment in Santander, which started with a splendid sun but that as the afternoon progressed it turned into rain. However, even the climate has not managed to silence the public, which has encouraged the riders until the end of the test.

The course designed by Javier Trenor and formed by 12 obstacles and 15 efforts left nine courses without fail for the tiebreaker, with Spanish, Venezuelan and Chilean representation. The first zero came from the hand of Tobias Hanke, the first rider to leave the tie, who did not risk too much trying to ensure a good result. The Chilean, winner of Saturday's big one, Uri Rosenzweig, showed his good form by reducing the time of the German settled in Cantabria and was leading the provisional classification. Luis Plaza made zero again with the young Luchino, with whom he has not committed any foul throughout the weekend, but his time was not enough to beat Rosenzweig. The emotion was maintained until the end with the last two participants of the test, the two betting favorites. The penultimate on the track, Alberto Márquez Galobardes came out with all his weapons with the promising Croupier V, managing to unseat Uri, but then Kevin Gonzalez de Zárate snatched the victory with Urbain des Grezils, horse with which we has been between the first two places the past three days. 

The bet, which had a jackpot accumulated since Friday, was distributed at the end of the Grand Prize CaixaBank between 5 people with a total of more than € 2,000.

The BMW Grünblau Motor Trophy was won by Alberto Márquez Galobardes with Ineta Del Maset. The Cantabrian Elena Ruiz Fernandez, encouraged by her fellow countrymen, proclaimed herself champion of the Trophy Segura Widows riding Taifas de La Vallarna with an impressive ride and an unbeatable time of 61.34 seconds.

This concludes a weekend in which the Campa de La Magdalena was a hive of successes both in sports and audience, and the Cantabrian capital returns to regain its splendor with the XV edition of CSI2* Santander.