Today the Youth is competing at the European Championchips in Samorin, Slovenia. In this last day it all comes down on who will be going home with the medal. Unfortanately there was bad news for the British team and it's rider Jake Saywell. Saywell and his mare Havinia van de Rosho (by Cicero Z) where taking the lead after their first two rounds in the first course of the competition. The combination kept a clean slate in the first two rounds and took the lead with a total of 2.40 points individually. Sadly after their ride the rider was disqualified. The steward found blood on his mare Havinia and therefore the blood rule was putting an end on the riders day. The second round of the competition has just started where it is Germany's Justine Tebbel who takes over the lead from Saywell. With her Light Star she is now with 3.64 points in the lead with only 1 penalty for time after the first round.