Under a shining sun it was Roger-Yves Bost who claimed victory this morning in the Global Champions Tour in Estoril, Portugal. Aboard the 13-year-old Couleur-Rubin-mare, Castle Forbes Cosma 'Bosty' finished the 1m45 course in 53:88 seconds. The British Laura Renwick and her tophorse Reine du May (s. Tristan de Quelen) followed in a second place finishing in 56:82 seconds. GCT's current leading lady, Laura Kraut, completed the stage with the 10-year-old gelding Woodstock O (s. Hors la Loi).
The top five continued with Michael Whitaker and the Belgian Warmbred Elie van de Kolmen (s. President) on the fourth place and Ahmed Saber Hamcho with 4 Sure (s. Perhaps vh Molenvondel) in the fifth position. From the 42 starters 16 finished without touching the wood and within the allowed time.
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