Only the 8 best countries after today's first round are selected to compete in the FEI Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup finals in Barcelona Spain. It was a heavy day with lots of emotions but after collecting a total of only one time penalty it is the Brasilian team that is in the lead of the temporary Nations Cup ranking. Rodrigo Pessoa and Patrik Spit's and Gregory Wathelet's former Citizenguard Cadjanine Z kept the score clear just like Alvaro de Miranda and Ad Rahmannshof Boheno. The dutch showjumpers with team chef Rob Ehrens made it to the interim second position with a total of 5 points while the Belgian jumping devils complete the stage after gathering 8 points in total. Only the young talent, Jos Verlooy and his Belgian Warmbred Domino (s. Thunder vd Zuuthoeve) kept the score clear.
Further selected for the ultimate final are Ireland (4th position with 8 points), France (5th position with 8 points), Great-Britain (6th position with 8 points), Canada (7th position with 9 points) and Ukraine (8th position with 9 points)
click here for the results