He hasn't completely finished his party after a splendid win in the CN Spruce Meadows Masters and is already back in the saddle. The Belgian Young Rider Pieter Devos and Darca vd VDG Consult yesterday ended up in the fourth position after a a clear jump-off in 26:067 seconds in the 1m40 competition in Neeroeteren, Belgium. It was the Slovakian Luka Zaloznik aboard Duca's Vicenta who took home the victory.
The pair was followed by Michael Greeve (TaloubetDarco K Z) and Ezequiel Daponte (Wrangler II) in a second and third position. From the 89 starters a total of 48 reserved a place for the jump-off where 30 crossed the finish faultless.
hier voor de volledige uitslag.
Bron: Equnews.com
Foto: Equpics