A total of 100 horse- rider combinations took the start in today's 3pm 1.45m Longines Ranking Class in Lummen, Belgium. Only 14 placed for the jump-off. There it was Cassio Rivetti who set the fastest clear time with Chataga (by Chacco Blue). Lorenzo de Luxa and Zoe II (by Kannan) followed in a second position. Peder Fredricson and H&M All Inn (by Kashmir van Schuttershof) finished third in ex aequo with Constant Van Paesschen (Citizenguard Taalex). The top five was completed by two Belgian pairs. Pieter Devos with Equipharma Dax van d' Abdijhoeve finished fourth. The pair was followed by Stephanie Andries and Cicero (by Darco). The international 1 star competition was claimed by Johnny Pals and Banana D'Ive Z (by Baloubet du Rouet). Portia Howard and Macgarveys Choice followed in a second place. Thierry Goffinet (Ariano ET Z) and Guido Hornesch (Darkness of Two Notes Z) made it to the third and fourth spot.