Chloe Reid made an official statement on the loss of her wonderful horse Codarco to World of Showjumping. She said quote: "Thank you for all youre kind wishes and messages. I feel truly blessed to have so many people who love me and i'm humbled by all those who recognize the amazing animal that Cody was. The necropsy revealed that Cody had cancer in his abdomen. He started showing mild pain on thursday afternoon, so I find relief in knowing that his suffering was short. Sadly there was nothing we could do for him. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank Dr Peter Heidman and the entire staff at Palm Beach Equine Clinic. They worked day and night to give Cody the best chance of survival and they made sure he was comfortable in his final days. The experiences I had with Cody in the ring will be memories that I will never forget." Read the full statement here.