The now sixteen year old showjumping legend HH Copin van de Broy was last seen in the ring during the World Cup finales in Goteborg, Sweden, in 2016 with his American rider Quentin Judge. Soon after the Word Cup finales the Belgium Warmblood stallion got injured and was out of the running for over a year. Now Judge posted a video of them on his instagram, back on the job, jumping a full round, announcing that they will be making a comeback on the circuit soon. The Darco son has known a succesful career and was ridden by both Marcus Ehning and Gregory Wathelet, before he ended with Judge. With Ehning in the saddle he won the Nations Cup of 2012 in Rotterdam and came in third place during the World Cup of Oslo in 2013. With Judge he won the Nations Cup of Gijon and finished in second place during the World Cup of Sacremento. With former rider Gregory Wathelet the stallion won the World Cup of Mechelen in 2011.