At the CSI3* of Morocco, the 'Prix de la F.R.M.S.E.' has just finished. It was a 1.35m class ridden against the clock. 52 combinations entered the ring and 18 of them left the wood untouched. It was the Irish rider Michael Pender who took the victory with Cordanos V (Catoki). He crossed the finish line after 54,92 seconds. With this time Pender was almost two seconds faster than the Belgian rider Jérôme Guery. Guery saddled Garfield de Tiji Des Templiers (Quasimodo Z) and together they rode a very fast time. But in the end their 56,53 seconds weren't enough to beat Pender. Italy completed the podium. Luca Coata and Quite Beauty (Quite Easy) finished clear in 58,94 seconds. Chris Sorensen (Zellobee) and Captain Geoff Curran (Seapatrcik) ended on fourth and fifth place. Click here for the results