The CSI4* Grand Prix of Saint Tropez just went to Romain Dreyfus with Niara d'Elsemdam Z (Nabab de Reve).

  1. Romain Dreyfus - Niara d'Elsemdam Z
  2. Edward Levy - Rebeca LS
  3. Jaime Azcarraga - The Gambler

Dreyfus finished in 38,2 seconds, more than one second faster then Levy with Rebeca LS (Rebozo La Silla). Jaime Azcarraga finished third for Mexico with The Gambler, a son of Cajus. Marc Dilasser finished fourth with Arioto (Diamant de Semilly), Belgiums François Mathy Jr and Uno de la Roque (Numero Uno) seized the fifth place. Click here for the complete result.