Swiss rider Steve Guerdat put Bertram Allen's domination of La baule to an end when he pipped him to first place at the last second in the famous Grand Prix. The nineteen year old Irish rider had three wins this week in La Baule and it looked like he was about to add a fourth when he and the 17 year old stallion Romanov took an early lead in the jump-off. Allen took all of the risks and went flat out anywhere he could, he took tight turns and left out strides throughout the course and in the end it payed off when he crossed the finish line at 44.91 seconds. After Allen's breathtaking round, rider after rider gave it all they had to try and better him but unfortunately they could not match his lightning quick pace. Aymeric de Ponnat and the stallion Armitages Boy had an unfortunate fall as they went quickly around a tight corner, Armitages slipped and De Ponnat went head first over the stallion's neck. Luckily both horse and rider left the arena unscathed and to to sound of applause from the appreciative home crowd. Last to go Steve Guerdat posed a real threat to Allen's podium position. Guerdat was partnered with his Olympic mount Nino des Buissonnets and they went flat to the board, leaving out strides and taking impossibly tight turns. In the end they prevailed and took the glory from Allen as they crossed the finish line in 44.04 seconds. Marlon Modolo Zanotelli, the Brazilian rider, took third place with Rock n' Roll Semilly. Full Results Photos © 11163192_10153256997322305_1506238816097193496_n