The chef d'équipe for the French team Philippe Guerdat, has chosen the squad of riders that will represent France in the upcoming Furusiyya FEI Europe Division 1 Nations Cup in Lummen, Belgium. The Nations Cup will take place on the 1st May, where ten teams will compete. Five out of those ten will earn points towards the Finals in Barcelona late this year. Event Website : Jumping Lummen The French team is as follows :

  • Nicolas Delmotte & Number One d'Iso * Un Prince
  • Penelope Leprevost & Flora de Mariposa
  • Simon Delestre & Qlassic Bois Margot
  • Kevin Staut & Reveur de Hurtebise * HDC
  • Jerome Hurel & Quartz Rouge
The team will be hoping to better their result from last year, where they finished second. Photo : Staut and Reveur at the World Equestrian Games -