Last night only a handfull of rider-horse combinations selected for the Jump -Off in HITS Thermal's FEI class. The jumps zere set at a height of 1.45m and a total of 70 pairs started in this 'Sunshine Welcome' class, worth 11,550 USD. Aboard his second horse, Enjoy Louis (by Coriano), Dutch rider (based in Belgium), Harrie Smolders rode to victory. Last month Smolders already claimed victory in Del Mars Grand Prix, that time with his own Regina Z. Audrey Coultar and Burbank gave the USA a second spot in yesterday's worldcup openings class. Bliss Hers and Prado K completed the stage. The top five was continued by Enrique Gonzalez (Quilebo Du Tillard) and Belgian rider Jos Verlooy (Farfelu de la Pomme). Jos was the first rider to go in in the jump-off.