At the Nations Cup in Falsterbo, Sweden, Rob Ehrens and his Dutch team have brought home the gold medal. It was the Dutch's team last chance to collect the necessary points to classify for the FEI Furusiyya Nations Cup finals in Barcelona. Maikel Van der Vleuten and VDL Groep Verdi TN NOP was the only representing rider of the Netherlands their World Championships team. Together with Harrie Smolders (Emerald), Dutch Champion, Leopold Van Asten (VDL Groep Zidane) and Gerco Schröder (Glock's Cognac Champblanc) he entered the prize giving with pride. Hwoever, Schröder didn't need to compete as his compatriots all finished clear. Runner up position was an ex aequo for hosting country Sweden and neighbour, Germany. Both countries collected a total of four points. The victory was good for a nice 16,000 Euro for each Dutch show jumper.