In Sentower Park the second week of the Easter Tour started. The first competition of the day was the price 'Stoeterij Dorperheide' a course for the six year old horses. The victory went to Ioli Mytilineou and Glen Moray (by Cassini II). This combination jumped clear in the second phase in a time of 28.42 seconds. She stayed before Santiago Diaz Ortega who ended in the second place. Galant rode a clear round and came through the finish in 28.73 seconds. Daniel Moseley completed the stage with Berdenn De Kergane (by Quaprice Boimargot) under the saddle in a time of 29.29 seconds. The young Swiss Joel Kurmann took with her Toulon gelding Theo Duc T&L Z the fourth place. With a time of 30.29 seconds she was exactly one second slower than Moseley. Charlotte Wilma and Cicci JN (by Cici Senjor Ask) completed the top five. In the seven year old competition it was Ciaran Dreeling who took the lead. The Irishman came into the arena with Luettinghofs Charlie Harper, a stallion by Comme Il Faut. The two rode a fast jump off in 28.92 seconds. In March the combination ended on the third place at Kronenberg with the Young Horses competition. A few hundredth of seconds slower in 29.05 seconds came the Dutchman Patrick Lemmen over the finish line with Fascinating Fotuna (by Zapatero VDL). The third place was for the British Tim Wilks. He had under his saddle Shine (by Billy Congo) and stopt the clock in 29.76 seconds. The fourth place was again for an Irishmen, Tom Slattery with Kamara van't Heike. A BWP mare by Epleaser van't Heike who went around the jump-off in 29.83 seconds. The top five was completed by Jenny Heinekamp with Kebap (by Nabab de Reve) in 30.36 seconds for Finland.