The first two star international competition outdoor finished with a victory for Philippe Vandoorne. Because of the bad weather today's courses were moved to the big indoor arena. At the equestrian center in Moorsele 41 starters made a change on the Jump-Off of this 1m45 competition. On the back of his 10-year-old Z-stallion Cumantin van de Hacienda Z (s. Cumano Z) Vandoorne ended in 31:89 seconds. Non of the other 13 Jump-Off riders could beat that time. Donaat Brondeel and Rexar du Houssoit made it to the second place while Vincent Voorn and Clintash Sloten ended third in this GP.
On the back of Elaba de Laubry, equnews-rider (
equteam) Damien Haelterman ended on a fourth place. The top five was completed by Alexander Kumps and his faithful gray horse Cru d'Avril Z.
© equnews.be - photo: Martine Tandt