On Friday the Swedish team jumped to glory during the FEI Nations Cup in Rotterdam.  After round 5 of the Nations cup series, Sweden is currently placed second after Italy.  

Facts and Figures:

8 teams - Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland - competed in today’s fifth leg of the FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping Europe Division 1 League in Rotterdam (NED). 

7 teams were chasing points towards the FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping 2017 Final in Barcelona (ESP) in September. Team Belgium was not competing for points as they belong in the Europe Division 2 series.

30 horse-and-rider combinations competed in the first round. The last-line rider from Sweden and Switzerland did not need to jump because their teams were already on a zero score.

20 clears in first round, but only 9 in the second round. 

7 horse-and-rider combinations jumped double-clear - Henrik von Eckermann and Cantinero (SWE), Steve Guerdat and Bianca (SUI), Luca de Lorenzo and Armitages Boy (ITA), Eduardo Alvarez Aznar and Rokfeller de Pleville Bois Margot (ESP), Harrie Smolders and Don Vhp Z (NED), Marcus Ehning and Pret A Tout (GER) and Bertram Allen and Hector van D’Abdijhoeve (IRL).


Peder Fredricson SWE: “My horse needs to do a few more rounds to build up his strength, I want to try to give him as good a run as possible to try to compete at the European Championships in Gothenburg in August, but he needs to be fit enough for that. I was very happy with him here though.”

Henrik Ankarcrona, Chef d’Equipe SWE:  "We came here to Rotterdam with high expectations - to win, and we did! The plan was always to perform here and the team is strong - they all delivered. Our next Nations Cup is on home ground in Falsterbo, our last before the Final." 

Standings in FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping Europe Division 1 after round 5 in Rotterdam (NED):

1.    Italy                 -  345

2.    Sweden           -  307.5

3.    France             -  302.5

4.    Germany           -  285

5.    Switzerland        -  250

6.    Spain                -  250

7.    Ireland               -  210

8.    Netherlands        -  190

Full Standings here