The 17 year old stallion Vivaldo van het Costersveld, competed by French rider Roger Yves Bost, passed away this morning. The top Show jumping stallion only retired from the sport last August and unfortunately did not get to enjoy his retirement to the full. Here is the statement released from the 'Groupe France Elevage' (translated from French) " It is very sad news that Vivaldo had to be euthanised on Thursday morning (16 April). He broke his first phalanx/ phalange in one of his hind legs while in the paddock, that was two days ago. His owner, Lady Georgina Forbes, wanted to try everything to save him. After nearly 5 hours on the operating tables, his chances of survival seemed good. Unfortunately, this morning, he broke his leg in the recovery stall and had to be put to sleep." Everyone at Equnews would like to offer their condolences to Roger Yves Bost, Lady Georgina Forbes and everyone involved with this magnificent stallion. Photo : Bost and Vivaldo -