Catherine de Buyl announced the dead of Fleche Dy Mury Marais Z (f. Feinschnidt) on her Facebook-page this week. The mare had to be put to sleep at the age of 28. The Feinschnidt daugther started her career under the saddle of Mury Marais rider Patrick Mc Entee. When the mare was sold to Vittorio Orlandi, Guido Dominci took over the reigns. This combination jumped a lot of Nations Cup under the Italian flag. During her last years in the sport, it was Pilar Cordon Muro who was riding the mare on an international level. After a very successful sportscareer, Fleche returned to the stables of Mury Marais where she produced a successful offspring. The most famous are L'Espoir (ridden by Ludger Beerbaum and Geir Gulliksen) and Best of Mury Marais Z. This gelding got a fifth place during the World Championships for Young Horses in Lanaken. Best of Mury Marais Z is the last foal Fleche du Mury Marais produced.