The French, British and Belgian chef d'équipe's have announced their teams for the FEI Furusiyya Nations Cup Final held in Barcelona, Spain (9-12 October). France: - Patrice Delaveau - Carinjo*HDC - Simon Delestre - Qlassic Bois Margot - Jérôme Hurel - Quartz Rouge - Pénélope Leprevost - Nayana - Kevin Staut - Rêveur de Hurtebise*HDC Britain: - Spencer Roe - Wonder Why. - Joe Clee - Utamaro d'ecaussines. - William Whitaker - Fandango. - Robert Whitaker - Catwalk IV - Michael Whitaker - Elie van de Kolmen or Cassionato. Belgium: - Niels Bruynseels. - Dirk Demeersman. - Judy Ann Melchior. - Olivier Philippaerts. - Pieter Devos. The horses for the Belgian Team have yet to be confirmed. Photo : Spencer Roe and Wonder Why at the World Equestrian Games.