In the four star competition of Coruna's Spain the day ended with a 1m45 in which it was French rider Aldrick Cheronnet and his Atlantys by Wisbecq (by Argentinus) with whom he was victorious in 40.13 seconds in the jump-off. His fellow French rider Olivier Robert came in second place with his Forest Gump 29 (by Forsyth) with 40.28 seconds on the clock. In third place we find Portuguese rider Marina Frutuoso de Melo and her Cantano (by Cascavelle) with whom she finished in 41.25 seconds. It was British rider Ellen Whitaker who took home the fourth place in the saddle of her Arena UK Winston (by Waldo van Dungen) in 41.88 seconds, followed by Tiff Foster and her Caipiranja (by Taran de la Pomme) in 43.90 seconds. Find all results here