In Antwerp, the 1.30 m class of the 1-star competition has just ended. Once again, the victory was for Ines Van Den Bosch and Watch Me (Cantos x Wolfgang). The combination rode a clear second phase in 54.95 seconds, a time that couldn't be equaled by the other riders. Ines seems to be on fire: in two days, she already managed to win €7850. Previously Watch Me was ridden by Ines' brother Michael. He rode two European championships with this mare. In 2013 he finished seventh in the individual ranking.
Van Den Bosch and Watch me were more than two seconds faster than the Belgian Mathias Hazebroek. He rode Hannibal (Darco x Heartbreaker) to the second spot in 56,99 seconds. The USA completed the top 3. Emma Heise and Broekie (Padinus x Furore) passed the finish line in 57.57 seconds.
Dimitry Noterman (Bacardi-Rhum de Muze) and Isidoor Van Rompaey (Bon Aventura Odth Z) completed the top 5. Ivan Dalton and Volcelest de la Byche covered the sixth spot. Tatiana Troiani and Sister van de Wolvendries were seventh.
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