With the Olympic Games coming up this year in Rio, Brasil, a lot of national teams start to count on a new teamchef. For Brasil it is USA's legendary coach, George H. Morris, who will be coaching the team towards the gold medal on home soil. Also Italy has invested in a new coach. It will be the Dutch top coach, Henk Nooren who will coach the Italian Senior Team. Starting January 1st Nooren will defend the Italian colours. Until March 2015 Nooren was the national Swedish coach. With his team he secured tickets for the RIO 2016 Olympic Games. Under the coaching of Nooren the Swedish team also obtained the Bronze Medal at the European Championships in Herning, 2013. Before Nooren was leading the French team. Together with 'les Bleus' he won the Silver Medal at the World Equestrian Games in 2010 (Kentucky), as well as the European Championships in Madrid.