Georgina Bloomberg of New York, NY, won her second open jumper class in as many days at the Hampton Classic Horse Show on Wednesday. Riding Crown 5, owned by Gotham Enterprizes, LLC, Bloomberg was the fastest of the nine clear rounds in the jump-off to take the $10,000 Royalton Farms Open Jumper 1.45m class in the Grand Prix ring. "It's a great way to start the week," said Bloomberg of her two victories. "My horse is not the fastest; he spends a lot of time in the air, so I knew I had to turn tight. I have not done too many jump-offs with him so I was pleasantly surprised." Bloomberg and Crown 5 stopped the timers in 30.876 seconds, more than a second faster than Charlie Jacobs and Cassinja S, owned by CMJ Sporthorse, LLC, who finished in a time of 31.760 seconds. Catherine Tyree and Bokai, owned by Joseph Tyree, were third after finishing in 32.570 seconds. The win moved Bloomberg up to third place in the $30,000 Longines Rider Challenge with 112 points. Richie Moloney of Ireland continues to lead with 138.5 points and Catherine Tyree is second with 120 points.