With a fantastic win it was Germany's topfavorite Christian Ahlmann who went for the win during the 1m60 Grand Prix of Berlin. In the saddle of his beautiful Codex One (by Contendro I) he won the grand price of 99.000,- euros by closing the deal in only 40.56 seconds. With only three combinations in the jump-off it was then between Germany's Simone Blum and Dutch rider Leopold van Asten. With eight penalties for Van Asten in his jump-off round it was Simone Blum who took home the second place. Together with her DSP Alice (by Askari) she jumped a clear round in 41.01 seconds ensuring her second place. Dutch rider Leopold van Asten went home with the third place with his VDL Groep Beauty (by For Pleasure) with whom he finished with 44.55 seconds and eight penalties behind his name. In the top five we find Ludger Beerbaum in a fourth place with his Chacon (by Chacco-Blue) with one penalty for time during his first round keeping him out of the jump-off. French rider Simon Delestre completed the top five with his Hermes Ryan (by Hugo Gesmeray) with four penalties in his first round. Find all results here