In the three star competition in Italy's Arezzo it's the Italian riders who are quite successful. In the 1m45 it was Italian rider Giulia Martinengo Marquet and her Quick Star Daughter Fixdesign Pop Lady d'Elle who jumped to the victory in 32.74 seconds in this two-phases course. Guido Franchi also competing for Italy ended up in a solid second place th his Quitoxic DC (by Burgraff) in 34.62 seconds. The third place went to Irish rider Thomas Ryan and his Quite Zero (by Quite Capitol) who finished in 35.22 seconds. Then in the three star competition it was Latvia's Kristaps Neretnieks in the saddle of his Holstein Camerlane (by Cardenio) with whom he finished the two-phases course in 29.90 seconds. He was followed by Italian rider Luigi Crespi and his mare Balougirl (by Baloubet du Rouet) who ended in second place with 31.59 seconds. The third place went to Roberto Prandi and Cajote Della Caccia with whom he finished in third place in 31.97 seconds. Find all results here