The final competition of the day in Jumping Indoor Maastricht, in The Netherlands, was a 1m55 three star Grand Prix. It was here Belgium's Olivier Philippaerts who leapt to the victory with his beautiful H&M Legend of Love (by Landzauber). The pair finished with a fast time of 37.93 second on the clock. He was follewed by Dutch rider Frank Schuttert and his Chianti's Champion with whom he finished in second place. They finished with 38.65 seconds on the clock, while Lisa Nooren and her VDL Groep Sabech D'Ha (by Qredo de Paulstra) finished in third place with 38.69 seconds. The top five was then completed by a fourth place from Dutch rider Kevin Olsmeyer and his Dalvaro 2 (by Calvaro Z) in 43.53 seconds, while it was French rider Julien Epaillard who finished in fifth place with his Toupie de le Roque (by Kannan). Find all results here