It's with pain in his heart that showjumper Gregory Wathelet breaks the news about the retirement of his trusted partner Eldorado van het Vijverhof. The Thunder van de Zuuthoeve son will take a step back. "After many many years with great results, it's time for Eldorado to enjoy his retirement. He has given it his all and this decision has not been easy, mostly because he is still in mint condition. However there is a time were great things come to a end. The last couple of months it felt like he had lost his spunk. It was like his heart was not in the game anymore. So we decided to retire him instead of dragging it out", says Wathelet. "He is a unique horse who always finds his way in the field. It doesn't matter if we are on the grass in Aachen, or at the sands in Monaco, he will jump his heart out no matter what. I will never forget the great memories and victories this horse has brought me. For me the biggest moment of them all was our Grand Prix win in Paris back in 2016. 'Eldo' is a part of our family and he really gave it his all. So I want to thank Eldorado", Wathelet continues. Eldorado started his career with Dayro Arroyave with whom he won the Grand Pris of Dunkerque in 2012. They competed at the WEG in Normandy back in 2014. Shortly after it was Wathelet who took over the reins. They competed all over the world and have seen it all. The combination started in countless Grand Prix's, World Cup's, Nation Cup's. Global Champion Tour's and even in the IJRC Rolex Top Ten Final. Their last competition was a local show in Bonheiden in march.