The highlight of this weekends CSI2* competition in Lier was the Grand Prix Flandria Rent. 51 riders started in this class. 10 of them rode a clear first fase and had to compete with each other for the victory in a jump-off. The Belgian Sea Coast rider Gudrun Patteet crowned herself as the winner. She was one of the first combinations to start in the jump-off, but she immediately rode a very fast time, putting a lot of pressure on the other riders. Non of them was able to tighten Gudruns time. Patteet finished in 38,97 seconds with Sea Coast Calypso van de Zuuthoeve (Tangelo van de Zuuthoeve). Second place was for Olivier Lazarus and Canobet (Cardento). They rode a very fast jump-off as well, but not fast enough to beat Gudrun Patteet. Lazarus finished in 40,80 seconds. Loewie Joppen rode a fast clear jump-off as well. He finished in 41,20 seconds with his Cardento mare Dolinn. Sven Van Dijck was the last rider to start in the jump-off. He clearly went in to win it, but in the end he wasn't fast enough. He and Vici R (Darco) finished in 41,20 seconds. Before Van Dijck, the winner of today, Gudrun Patteet was riding this horse. Fifth place was for Julie Andrews. She finished with her Cantos Gelding Ayrton IV in 42,42 seconds. Olivier Van Roosbroeck (Ellenoy) and Cassandra Braeckmans (Bee Wonderful) were respectively sixth and seventh. Click here for the results