At the CSI4* 1m50 Faults & Time class in St Tropez it's once more the French that dominate the field. This time it was Guillaume Foutrier who was victorious aboard his Tchin de la Tour (by Chin Chin) in 57.59 seconds.

Quick results:
  1. Guillaume Foutrier - Tchin de la Tour
  2. Marc Dilasser - Cliffton Belesbat
  3. Bertram Allen - Calafrieda

With that time he beat Marc Dilasser and Cliffton Belesbat (by Clinton) with whom he took second place in 58.99 seconds. Following in third place we found Bertram Allen aboard his Calafrieda (by Canturano) with a time of 59.55 seconds. In fourth it was Steve Guerdat with Evita, followed by a fifth place for Zoe Conter and Univers du Vinnebus.   Results