In the CSI 2 star 1m35 it was Frence Harold Boisot and his Tara de Bacon (by Toulon) who took the win in Oliva. They finished with 30 points in the Hit & Hurry taking the lead with a time of 76.88 seconds. This proved to be well enough to keep the lead. In second place came British Louise Simpson and her Double Deuce Retto (by Colandro) with 30 points in 80.73 seconds. While Chloe Aston took the third place with her Amigo T in 29 points and 76.15 seconds. The fourth place was for Abbe Burchmore-Aemes and Booming Blue Z, while Emma Heise took the fifth place with her Broekie. In this competition, instead of being eliminated at the first fault, the athlete gets two points for an obstacle correctly jumped and one point for an obstacle knocked down. Combination obstacles are not allowed. In the two-fases it was in the 1-star 1m40 Britains Felix McCarthy who crossed the finishline with a brilliant time of 29.81 seconds in the second round with his horse Fortune Forever 2 (by Cortus). Second place went to German rider Michael Wittschier and his Galaxy HS (by Go on Top). They came in second place with 30.05 seconds. Belgium's Nathalie Willems took the third place with her Clever Brabant Lease in 31.97 seconds. Look here for all results