After the exciting jump-off earlier this evening the results in the ranking after the eight leg are in. It is now Dutch rider Harrie Smolders who takes the lead with a total of 185 points. The showjumper won points in six during the eight legs of the Global Champions Tour. After his third place tonight he is now on top of the game. Also Germany's Christian Ahlmann is following closely with 180 points. Ahlmann also scored points during six out of the eight legs in de GCT. The two riders take a strong lead comparing with the rest of the competitors. In third place is Italy's Alberto Zorzi with points for five out of eight legs. He is good for 161 points. Dutch rider Maikel van der Vleuten is in fourth place with 148 points, followed by Lorenzo de Luca for Italy with 133 points after four legs. Next week the GCT Tour continues in Estoril, Portugal.