At the CSIO 5* in Gijon, Spain, the 1.60m Grand Prix finished today. After a basic course and jump-off it was Henk van de Pol and Willink (by Twister) who rode to victory. The pair finished their jump-off in 49.32 seconds, taking home the over 50,000 Euro first prize. Ireland's Cameron Hanley and Antello Z (by Animo II) stopped the clock half a second later, claiming the runner-up position. The third place was for Sergio Alvarez-Moya and the 11-years-old And C Quitador Rochelais (by Jarnac). A total of 16 horse-rider combinations returned in the second round. Only Five finished clear as well. Fourth position was for Belgium's Catherine Van Roosbroeck. Aboard the 9-years-old Gautcho Da Quinta (by Cicero van Paemel Z) she left Manuel Fernandez Saro (Duke of Carneval) behind on the fifth place.